
Barataria - The work of Erik Hare

“I’ve tried to avoid all this, but I can’t”
“I just gotta know, are we gonna try to love each other?”
Batdance (1989) (from the “Batman” soundtrack)

The outpouring of love for Prince over the last few days has been deep, wide, and intense. It was more than his music that people loved – it was his purple self that resonated all over the world. Sexually androgenous as well as culturally androgenous, he redefined the boundaries between id and culture to create a new identity that was uniquely his own.

His otherworldly presence also provide an example for a new approach to life that may yet help us all navigate a changing world. Like Prince, we can make it all in our own image, born in love and creativity, together.

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I am a Greek Cypriot, living and loving my retired life on the island of Cyprus. At age 67, I have learned a lot and have a passion to share this with other people. I am a realist who observes all …

Source: ABOUT ME

Find the Man in the Moon


Have you ever seen the Man on the Moon? This common question plays on the ability of humans to see pareidolia — imagining familiar icons where they don’t actually exist. The textured surface of Earth’s full Moon is home to numerous identifications of iconic objects, not only in modern western culture but in world folklore throughout history. Examples, typically dependent on the Moon’s perceived orientation, include the Woman in the Moon and the Rabbit in the Moon. One facial outline commonly identified as the Man in the Moon starts by imagining the two dark circular areas — lunar maria — here just above the Moon’s center, to be the eyes. Surprisingly, there actually is a man in this Moon image — a close look will reveal a real person — with a telescope — silhouetted against the Moon. This featured well-planned image was taken in mid-January in Cadalso de los…

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Every year, millions of people around the world are being told they have a non-existent disorder and being sold medication that benefits pharmaceutical companies in the billions of dollars.

Background History:

In my previous post (Monogamy Violates the Laws of Nature), you were presented with the research showing that not only does monogamy (one man-one woman, forever) violate the laws of nature, but humans are predisposed genetically to having multiple partners. While there are some social benefits to monogamy, biologically and genetically it is not natural. In spite of the pressure from socially imposed rules and customs, it is nearly impossible for people to continue to be sexually stimulated by the same person forever. Genetically, humans are wired biologically to become more sexually aroused by different partners throughout their life. We all know this intellectually and intuitively. If in doubt, consider this:

The Seven Year Itch:   The phrase was first used to describe an inclination to become unfaithful after seven years of marriage Divorce rates show a trend in couples that, on average, divorce around seven years. Statistics show that there is a low risk of separation during the first months of marriage. After the “honeymoon” months, divorce rates start to increase. Most married couples experience a gradual decline in the quality of their marriage around the fourth year. Around the seventh year, tensions rise to a point that couples either divorce or adapt to their partner.[3] In samples taken from the National Center for Health Statistics, there proves to be an average median duration of marriage across time. In 1922 the median duration of marriage that ended in divorce was 6.6.[4] In 1974 the median duration was 7.5. In 1990 the median duration was 7.2. While these can fluctuate from year to year, the averages stay relatively close to the seven year mark.[5]

After the first kiss, the second one is never the same.   The connection between the emotional and physiological aspects of love have been heavily studied. The parts of the brain[6] responsible for the effects of love are the ventral tegmental area,[7] hypothalamus,[8] the nucleus accumbens,[9] and numerous other parts of the brain. These parts of the brain create the side categories of love: sex, romance, and attachment.

Familiarity breeds contempt:   Sexual lust for a partner comes from the hypothalamus. This controls the hormones in the body, which then create the physical responses (rapid breathing, accelerated heart rate) that are characteristic of a person in love. All of this is part of what you are born with genetically. The BRAIN and GENETICS will determine when you are sexually stimulated, and the evidence shows that it is normal for humans to lose sexual interest in their partner in a short period of time, while still retaining the ability to become sexually aroused by a new partner.

Other interesting Statistics:

In the USA, 50% of marriages end in divorce. Of those who remain married, 25% of men and 20% of women admit to having cheated. This means that nearly 75% have found other sexual partners.

The divorce rate for a third marriage is 73%–When it comes to marriage, practice doesn’t make perfect. In fact, it only seems to make you worse.

In China, over 5,000 couples a DAY get divorced.

Nearly every movie made involves some aspect of sexual lust or infidelity.

Computer porn sites are thriving all over the world, in spite of herculean efforts by some countries to shut them down.

Even politicians, who are under the watchful eye of the public 24/7, are more apt to be booted out of office for sexual indiscretions than being voted out.

Hollywood stars, married to the most desirable partners, have higher divorce rates than the average population… (more opportunity?)

SO NOW, THE SCENE IS SET:   Biologically, genetically, humans are wired to normally be sexually aroused to their partners for a short period of time, after which they are more sexually aroused by the presence of another potential partner.

If you are a pharmaceutical company, your dream is to find a medicine that treats or cures a common disease. But, your GOAL is to make money, clear and simple. It is NOT to save humanity from some dreaded disease or reduce pain and suffering. If that we so, the pharmaceutical companies would be selling drugs at reasonable prices so everyone that needed them could benefit. And yes, it is true that making new drugs can be costly and finding new diseases to treat takes time. So, wouldn’t it be easier to INVENT a disease, then sell an already existing drug at an inflated price, to treat the invented disease! You only need to convince most of the population that they have this ‘disease’ then offer a treatment. Profits would be in the billions. And, that is exactly what happened.

In 1998, a pharmaceutical company got a drug approved called Sildenafil to treat angina (chest pain). The drug was not very effective but one of the side effects patients reported was having an occasional erection after taking the drug. The drug company then decided to market the drug for people suffering from erectile dysfunction (ED) and charge a higher price than the original drug. The problem is that REAL erectile dysfunction is not a common disorder and is limited to a small percent of the population.

Erectile Dysfunction is also called Impotence, but let’s be honest, it sounds better for the drug companies to say you have ED than you are Impotent. ED is a “disorder” that anyone or everyone can fess up to, but being Impotent is reserved for the really sick!

According to the medical experts (Merck Manual), Erectile Dysfunction can come from five causes:

1. Endocrine Diseases

The body’s endocrine system produces hormones that regulate metabolism, sexual function, reproduction, mood, and much more.

2. Neurological and Nerve Disorders

Several neurologic conditions can increase the risk for impotence. Nerve conditions affect the brain’s ability to communicate with the reproductive system. This can prevent a man from achieving an erection.

Alzheimer’s disease

brain or spinal tumors

multiple sclerosis


temporal lobe epilepsy

Men who’ve had prostate gland surgery can also experience nerve damage that causes impotence.
3. Taking Medications

Taking certain medications can affect blood flow, which can lead to ED. A man should never stop taking a medicine without his doctor’s permission, even if it’s known to cause impotence.

4. Cardiac-Related Conditions

Conditions that affect the heart and its ability to pump blood well can cause impotence. Without enough blood flow to the penis, a man can’t achieve an erection.

Atherosclerosis, a condition that causes the blood vessels to become clogged, can cause impotence. High cholesterol and high blood pressure (hypertension) are also associated with increased risks for impotence.

5. Lifestyle Factors and Emotional Disorders

To achieve an erection, a man must first go through the excitement phase. This phase can be an emotional response. If a man has an emotional disorder, this affects his ability to become sexually excited.


Interesting that the five reasons for erectile dysfunction does not include normal biological lack of interest due to the natural genetic makeup of humans. This essentially opens the door to say basically EVERYONE HAS OR WILL HAVE ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION in their life. The drug companies have a happy future, at our expense.


The money is not in selling drugs to those that absolutely need it, but in selling drugs to those that don’t need it, but think they do.

HOW EFFECTIVE IS VIAGRA? I think the real question is: “how effective is Viagra in treating those with REAL erectile dysfunction, as compared to how effective is Viagra in treating men and women who have NORMAL reduced sexual desire for their current partner?” If Viagra was treating a genuine disorder, you would expect a high percent of positive comments. However, if not achieving an erection and a lack of sexual interest with a long-term partner is a normal biological genetic event, then you would expect to see large numbers of people saying, “ït didn’t work for me” And, from what I could find on line, this is exactly what I found. Viagra works for some and does not work for others.

And, just when you thought it could not get better they now have a Viagra equivalent for women!

ENTER VIAGRA FOR WOMEN, called Flibanserin
The Viagra equivalent for women (Filbanserin) was rejected by the FDA several times, stating that the effects were not strong enough to warrant approval. Studies with women taking the drug only had a .5 to 1 more sexually satisfying event a month! (obviously, having .5 or ½ of a sexually satisfying experience a month can only be described as statistical… I wouldn’t know how else to describe it without laughing). The side effects are fatigue, low blood pressure, fainting, etc.

But, I will bet that 99% of the women in the study would have no trouble having a “sexually satisfying experience” more frequently if Brad Pitt or George Clooney were under the sheets. So, is it justifiable to say these women have a “disorder” that prevents them from having a “satisfying sexual experience” with their partner. It seems that calling something a “disorder” allows physicians to “prescribe” the drug, and allows the drug companies to set a “whatever the market will bear” price.

I recently interviewed a sex therapist (MD) who treats patients for what they think is ED (erectile dysfunction). Many say they are not capable of achieving an erection or sexual excitement with their partner and therefore, must have a treatable physical disorder. However, when presented with a NEW sexual partner, or a pornographic movie, they can magically achieve an erection and sexual excitement again. The same is true for both males and females.


IT IS NOT NICE TO FOOL MOTHER NATURE, unless you are a drug company wanting to make billions.

As of 2013, the manufacturer of Viagra has made 2 billion US dollars!!


Submitted by: Evgenia Ioannou

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Pluto’s Moon Kerberos Gets Into the Picture

Thank you, your article was very interesting and insightful!


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Pluto’s Moon Kerberos Gets Into the Picture

Source: Pluto’s Moon Kerberos Gets Into the Picture

Ancient DNA from two 11,500 year old burials in Alaska

Thank you, your article was very interesting and insightful! I read and shared it with my network.

Violent metaphors

Today I and my collaborators have a new paper published in PNAS!  Justin Tackney, the lead author of the paper, was kind enough to write up a summary of the findings to publish here on Violent Metaphors. Here is his take:

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Ancient DNA from two 11,500 year old burials in Alaska

Source: Ancient DNA from two 11,500 year old burials in Alaska

This Asteroid Will Come Eerily Close to Earth on Halloween

Thank you, your article was very interesting and insightful!

Lights in the Dark

Concept image of a large asteroid passing by Earth and the MoonA recently-discovered asteroid named 2015 TB145 will come within 1.3 lunar distances of Earth on Oct. 31, 2015. (Illustration by J. Major.)

Yes, it’s true: a rather not-so-tiny near-Earth asteroid 2015 TB145 will make a relatively close pass by our dear planet Earth on October 31, aka Halloween — the day when certain beliefs profess that the veil separating the worlds of the living and the dead is at its thinnest, allowing spiritual and even physical interaction to occur between both.

Of course there is no scientific evidence that the latter is at all true but it makes for good scary stories around the light of a campfire. And as the first-world campfires of today are the stark lights of computer monitors and smartphone screens, some are trying to weave scary stories about the passing of this asteroid as well. Should you be afraid? Certainly not. (But there is a cautionary tale to be told.)

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This Asteroid Will Come Eerily Close to Earth on Halloween

Source: This Asteroid Will Come Eerily Close to Earth on Halloween